explore your synchronicity QDecode numerology app GridQ


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Discover Your Synchronicity!
What started as a massive spreadsheet for Hollywood astrologer Russell Olsen, then a compiled basic program (CBASIC) running on CP/M, and a Borland Turbo BASIC version for MS-DOS, Q-Decode, is now available for all iOS devices and on Mac PCs.
Q-Decode by GridQ is a professional numerology decoding/calculator program that is easy to use. It enables you to enter names, dates, letters, or numbers in any combination. Q-Decode will then break down the data and present its numerological basic digit.
Q-Decode features:
- Straight decoding method
- Stacked decoding method (for dates)
- Vowel Filtering
- Consonant Filtering
- Number Filtering
- Modern, Pythagorean, Chaldean, and Crowly Number Systems
- Letter 'Y' preferences

Numbering Systems:

Modern Number System
The Modern System of numerology uses all of the English alphabet. Letters are assigned numeric values from 1 to 26. 

Pythagorean Number System
This will process your entry using the Pythagorean System of numerology. This system is said to have originated from the Greek mathematician Pythagoras of Samos. Letters are assigned numeric values from 1 to 9. 

Chaldean Number System
This will process your entry using the Chaldean System of numerology. The Chaldean System of numerology has its roots in Ancient Babylon. Letters are assigned numeric values from 1 to 8 which correspond to 'sounds' or 'vibrations' that the letters make.

Crowly Number System
This will process your entry using Aleister Crowly’s gematria of numerology as used in the English Qaballa. The Crowly System of numerology was described in his book, Liber AL vel Legis (The Book of the Law), 1909, and was interpreted by James Lees in 1976. 

Letters are assigned numeric values from 1 to 11. In this system, the TOTAL value of the word is used instead of the Final Decoded Value. The TOTAL field will turn orange when the Crowly numbering system is in use.

“According to Jake Stratton-Kent, "the English Qaballa is a qabalah and not a system of numerology. A qabalah is specifically related to three factors: one, a language; two, a 'holy' text or texts; three, mathematical laws at work in these two."  

The Crowly Number System provides the numerical calculations needed to decode the English Qaballa.

Synchronicity and Q-Decode
In the 1950s, Carl G. Jung coined the word synchronicity, which the Oxford American dictionary defines as, "the simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection."
The numerology of names, dates, places, telephone numbers, house addresses, etc., are one way in which the synchronicity of your life can be revealed.
Example: One of our programmers discovered that his full name is a '7' and his birth date is also a '7'. This number has also popped up in many other aspects of his life including even the serial number of his Mac laptop!
Why? Well, the 'why' is subject to much interpretation.
Q-Decode is a tool for revealing these fascinating 'hidden' little mysteries.
The meaning is left for you to discover...
